

Thursday 5 January 2017

Breaking News - Donald Trump appoints Mel Gibson as anti-Pope

President-elect Donald Trump's shock victory last year has sent the global political system into a panic. The world is changing fast and the age of lesser-evilism and tepid liberalism is at an end. Trump has continued to worry his troubled nation with his chief appointments, most notably the appointment of anti-Semitic 'Alt-Right' figure Steven Bannon as his chief strategist. Of course this is cause for concern but the last battle has not been drawn between races, it has not been drawn between Republicans and Democrats. The new line has been drawn between Washington and Rome.

After comments made by Pope Francis during the Presidential elections criticising Trump's anti-immigrant sentiments and Mexican wall project Trump has decided to strike back. In a statement he said

“I've had enough of this commie hippy Pope. The other day he called capitalism terrorism. True we've had some bad capitalism but my capitalism will be really really good. Now I know I'm a Protestant but I think we need a new Pope, this is a bad Pope ya know? We need a good Pope. We've had some bad Catholicism now I'm gonna get us some good Catholicism and a new Pope, it will be tremendous and people will love it. That is why today I am proud to announce my appointment of Mel Gibson as the Pope, the Vicar of Rome is a non-Pope, an anti-Pope and he's gotta go.”

This shock news has transformed the political and theological landscape, critics have claimed that Trump has no grounds on which to make this challenge to Pope Francis' leadership of the Catholic Church either morally or procedurally. While Trump has recognised that Mel Gibson will not gain legal recognition as a Pope he has stated that “I don't give a shit about that”.

The actor Mel Gibson is a good choice against the progressive Pope who's anti-capitalist sentiments and more forgiving image have struck accord with the faithful and no believers alike. Mel Gibson has not recognised the authority of any Popes since the 2nd Vatican Council of 1962-65. He intends to bring back fire and brimstone to Catholic teaching and to stop nancying around rejecting wealth, helping the poor and going on about loving your neighbour. He will shift the Church's teaching and bring back Latin masses while creating the conditions for a great schism or even a holy war. He has commented that the Church's position on women's rights and birth control would “remain pretty much the same”.

In a surprise visit to Rome the self-appointed Cardinal Trump arrived to do battle with His Holiness. He was armed with a Purple mist, a portal into the most racist fundamentalism of Gibson's essence, a pure raging madness of screeching hate and chaotic instability. Trump stood waiting to use his new Pope. The forces of darkness favoured him, the dark lord smiles upon Trump (as did the edge-lords of 4Chan). Francis stood on the Vatican balcony, the air had turned cold and the sky blackened with ominous clouds. He opened out his arms crying out in booming roar of a sermon that echoed off the old stones of St. Peter's Square.

“You have worshipped the idols money. You have spread hate when we must spread love, how dare you come to this holy place, there is no place for your diabolical obscene riches here. Well I am pretty much standing on a big building made of gold but... well you get the point. Come then heretic, let's tango.”

The newly octogenarian Pope then leapt from the balcony towards Trump and his evil cloud of Gibson power that was the anti-Pope. The Vicar of Rome gritted his teeth and stretched out his fingers like blinding talons as Mel Gibson let out a furious confused wail. The battle lines were set, the war for our souls had commenced.

Monday 21 March 2016

The Chuckle Brothers: first as tragedy, then as farce.

It is with a heavy heart that Radical Splurge reports the alleged fascism of the Chuckle Brothers through their links to Britain First. The support of the renowned CBBC slapstick duo will certainly give Britain First a level of credibility that they could only have dreamed of previously.
Once again less than a century after the rise of Nazism in the 1930s Social Democracy is sliding into the racist darkness that engulfed the world in flames. Once again this movement towards hate will be helmed by moustached men.

"History repeats ... first as tragedy, then as farce" Karl Marx
Who would have thought that this farce would come in the form of the Chuckle Brothers?

Friday 11 December 2015

Trump on Trump Action

Donald Trump has long been known to the world as a more offensive Alan Sugar with his brutish if not financially sound approach to the business world. Now he is a front running Republican candidate for the US Presidency but what drives him? What don't we know about him?

Clearly Trump's drive is not financial given that his dabbling in capitalism has led to a net lose, what truly drives him is a very advanced form of narcissism. Trump can often be found leering at his daughter or screaming in his hallway with his genitals between his legs shouting "Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me". After screaming for a few hours he will normally cry in his room and gorge on Cadbury Creme Eggs until he vomits while boasting that he is rich enough to eat the festive treat out of its seasonal context. When challenged for eating the mysterious chocolate cased gooe outside of the Easter period he simply mutters "I am he, I am his true son".

On occasions when Trump isn't eating Creme Eggs he is making racist statements or preparing his hair. For the past few decades Trump has in fact been totally bald and spends a great deal of time preparing his wig. What is not known is that Trump's hair is made of human hair, not only is it human hair but it is hair with a very close DNA match which is why it looks so natural. Trump's narcissism can be fully explained by the source of his hair, the pubic triangle of his daughter. In truth Trump's drive is purely based on a perverse self-love, his unquestionable and publicly stated lust for Ivanka Trump is merely an expression of his Trumpcentric view of the Universe.

Whether or not Donald Trump wins the US election in 2016 we can all be sure that his mirror will be covered in jizz. In these troubled times it is almost comforting to know that Trump's election challenge can not shatter that constant.