They laughed and cried,
but something died,
the day the rulers showed their faces.
The people sighed a mighty huff,
their jeers and sneers ran hollow.
Deep down they knew that nothing was
They know their rulers well.
But now they simply couldn't hide the
fact they lived in Hell.
The sinister band of leaches, parasites
and monsters,
we always knew what they were but let
them hide out of sight like a horrific shadow of the mind.
Now we know the truth,
Lucifer's children rule,
Bathed in the blood of innocents they
follow their black mass.
A baptism of perversion seals their
A hedonistic orgy of spitting and
defiling God's good order.
With privileged glee they drank to the
Devil's health,
Lying on shattered stained glass they
lay in savage orgasmic bliss thinking about their wealth.
The diabolical ceremony of Beelzebub
With every thrust into the creature’s
corpse they silenced nature's squeals.
With that a new demonic tool for Satan
was born,
A leader of the cult of Lucifer stepped
He became a vessel for evil,
the defiled beast of parted hoof lay as
a used vessel for his seed.
The people could not truly laugh at
this horrific act for they shared their part,
Freed from sin and saved they took
Satan's violator to heart.
Christ wept at his final defeat, the
evils lords had won.
People of England your new Jerusalem
Now witness your masters create a land
of swine scented Hell.
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