

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Did Marx exist?

Revelations about Karl Marx have emerged after research by the Radical Splurge history team uncovered enlightening documents. "Karl Marx" it seems did not exist, at least in a material sense. Marx was in fact a work of Engels' over active drunken imagination appearing to him as a burning beard-bush that only he could see. The beard-bush bestowed Engels with great wisdom leading to the development of dialectical materialism but spoke in a garbled near indecipherable English meaning that Engels had to spread the dialects through his own words rather than directly through the raw unknowable source.

Engels would often be seen speaking to himself in pubs as if he was in the midst of an exciting conversation but in truth only he could see and hear the flaming beard. A passage by an unknown writer reveals some of the true nature of "Karl Marx".

"Now Engels kept the textiles factory of his father in law, the felt-man of Manchester: and he left the pieces of fabric at the back of the shop, and came to the pub of dialects, The Salford Crescent.
And the follower of Hegel appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of an unfathomable beard: and he looked, and, behold, the beardy-bush burned with fire, and the beardy-bush was not consumed.
And Engels said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the beardy-bush is not burnt.
And when Marx saw that he turned aside to see, Marx called unto him out of the midst of the beard, and said, Engels, Engels. And he said, Here am I.
And he said, Create no more clothing hither: No longer wash your hair with soap, for the place whereon thou drink is dialectical ground. Follow me and spread my teachings for I am wise. Do not wash your hair with soap, follow my instruction and I shall bestow upon you even greater wisdom."

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